Venus and Capricorn are contradictory. Venus is the planet of money, love, pleasure, harmony, relaxation, beauty, art, talents and even vanity and overspending money. Capricorn, instead, is the sign of hard work, professionalism, ambition, criticism, discipline, severity, seriousness, authority, the ability of working in long-term projects and most of all, patience. How does Venus work when she is placed in such a hostile place of the Zodiac for her and how does it influence chart’s owner life?
Venus in Capricorn is neither in detriment nor in fall so actually her placement in Capricorn is not that bad. Nevertheless, the energies of Venus and Capricorn are not compatible. When a planet in a natal chart is placed in a sign which doesn’t resonate with its energy, it becomes even more active as if it was in the sign of its ruler-ship or exaltation. The owner of such natal chart feels that the matters represented by that particular planet are his/her weakness and that’s why he/she puts more effort to develop them.
The individuals with Venus in Capricorn in their natal charts treat love and relationships in a very serious, practical and cautious way. They are not interested in flirting, romance or short term relationship because they consider it a waste of time. They don’t like going out to clubs, discotheques nor romantic dates with candle light. In their opinion this is just stupid and not serious enough. They are looking for a serious and long lasting relationship which must be official, in other words, a marriage which would last for the rest of their lives. Capricorn is related to traditions and keeping social order.
People with Venus in Capricorn seem to be very serious, rigid and even arrogant as deep down their hearts they feel that they are better than others. Holding an image of cold and proud (unless they have the Sun, Moon or the ascendant in Libra, Cancer, Leo, Taurus or Sagittarius), makes difficult relating to other people and finding friends or potential partners, especially in the young age. They are not spontaneous nor funny so it is very difficult for them to have fun with other teenagers. They feel much better in the company of adult people who have a serious approach to life. When they are young, they feel lonely quite often as they can’t find a right, i.e. a serious partner. As they are very wise, they know it’s better be alone than in a bad company but if they find a right a partner, usually this is a person who is much older. The point is that the individuals with Venus in Capricorn mature very slowly so when they are young, they are not aware of their emotional needs yet. They need time to grow up, to realise what they expect from their partners and what is their role in the relationship. When they are about 30 years old, after their first Saturn return, they finally are grown up and they realise that they had chosen a wrong partner so they decide to break up. They don’t want to waste more time on living with someone who doesn’t suit their needs any more. On one hand they suffer that they have to break the social rules but on the other hand, they are searching for a perfect love. They are very practical so they prefer to end a bad relationship and look for a better partner who will make them happy. It’s a wise decision because they are finally mature so now, being 30 or even 40 years old, they know what they really need in love and partnership.
A person with Venus in Capricorn is often shy and self-controlled, so he/she has difficulties in expressing feelings. A woman with Venus in Capricorn won’t make the first step because she knows it wouldn’t be correct. She wants to act according to social rituals and normally a man makes the first step, not a woman. She will be waiting for ages and hoping that the man of her dreams will start a conversation with her. Acting like this, she misses a lot of good opportunities to start a relationship. If Venus in Capricorn is in a chart of a man, he will be terrified to make the first step because the fear of rejection will paralyse him. The woman he is in love with will be tired of endless waiting for any sign of interest from his part so she will find another man who will show her affection. As people with Venus in Capricorn are very proud and serious, they fear rejection very much. If someone would reject their feelings or laugh at them, they would feel very humiliated and wouldn’t be able to stand it. Their whole world would break down if the person they love would reject them because it would hurt their pride too much. That is the reason why they prefer to be alone, even if they are passionately in love with someone. When they are over 40 years old, suddenly they realise that they are not young any more and that they wasted their youth. Quite often they start relationships with younger partners because this is their way to prolong their own youth. When they are over 40, they are more spontaneous and they allow themselves to do crazy things which they didn’t want to or simply couldn’t do when there were 20. Fortunately, Venus in Capricorn conserves their beauty so even if they are 60 years old, they still look very attractive.
If it comes to financial matters, the individuals with Venus in Capricorn act in a strange way. On one hand the financial security is crucial for them but on the other hand they are not able to value their work properly so they agree to work for very law salaries. They think that the only way to become rich and to gain the financial stability is through hard work. They don’t believe in such things like luck in gambling or lotteries. In most cases they are very professional and they are excellent specialists in their environment but they don’t realise it. Sooner or later they will learn to demand more money for their work or services, especially when they realise that people who are less talented or even lazy earn more than them. Such situation will awaken their ambition and motivate them to change their approach towards money. Usually it happens after the first Saturn return, when they are around 30 years old. Building a financial stability before reaching that age may be difficult as they are losing money in strange circumstances. When they turn 30, they are much wiser and they know how to build their financial security. The most important thing that they have to learn is to value themselves and their work. People with Venus in Capricorn don’t like spending money as they prefer to save it. They must have some savings on their bank account, otherwise they feel very insecure. They know how to survive a financial crisis having little money and they are even proud of themselves cutting all unnecessary expenses. They don’t spend money on entertainment and they don’t buy anything without analysing if they really need that thing. They like investing money in different courses which broaden their professional skills. They believe that it will help them to develop their professional career, get a promotion and a better salary. This strategy works very well for them. They don’t throw out old or broken things because they think they may still use them or need them in the future. They fix broken things which other people don’t use any more, like old furniture pieces, electronic devices and give them a new life.
The individuals with Venus in Capricorn are not interested in fashion at the young age. They prefer to be admired for their wisdom, intelligence, honesty and seriousness and not for their looks. They even despise people who wear nice, expensive clothes and pay a lot of attention to their visual image. When they are young, they often wear old-fashioned clothes, e.g. of their grandparents because they like it much more than the modern style. Wearing old clothes make them look ridiculous. Other teenagers laugh at them and even treat them as losers. That’ s why they have difficulties in building friendships and they feel rejected by the society. Quite often their family members or friends give them their old clothes. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn are very happy about that as they don’t have to spend money on new clothes. If they have to buy clothes, they often go to a second- hand shop. When they turn 30, they realise that wearing nice clothes, going to the beautician and hairdresser is very important and that a good image doesn’t make them less intelligent. When they mature, they realise that the bad taste in fashion had a negative influence on their relationships with other people and even affected their love life. Wearing ugly clothes made them unattractive. When they are over 30 years old, they change their style and start to dress properly. They know what kind of clothes make them look attractive. They prefer dark colours, especially black. They dislike colourful patterns or big jewellery. Their style is modest, simple but very elegant and expensive at the same time. They feel comfortable in smart business suits. Quite often they have to wear uniforms at their work place as a lot of them work at different type of offices, banks or law companies. The fact that they have to wear suites at work is a true blessing for them as they don’t have to worry how to match different clothing pieces, colours or materials. When they are over 40 years old, they even become fashion gurus for others. Nobody laughs at their style any more as they look perfect on every occasion.
The artistic work of people with Venus in Capricorn is underestimated in the young age. For some reason those individuals can’t develop their own ideas. They have to obey their parents or teachers. Most of their artistic projects are criticized by their teachers and rejected by the society which is frustrating. Very often they work very hard on developing their talent from the early age because they are forced to do it by their demanding and ambitious parents. They posses very high technical skills but they are not able to express their artistic creativity as they are not spontaneous. After the first Saturn return they are mature and aware of their artistic talent and expression so they want to bring their own ideas to life and reject everything that is imposed by someone else. They finally want to use their great skills in order to express their artistic inspiration. When they are over 30 years old, they gain respect in their artistic environment and become an inspiration for the next generations of artists. Their success is long-lasting.
Edith Piaf, the legendary French singer, had Venus in Capricorn in her natal chart. Although she had the Sun in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, her artistic talent was expressed by Venus in Capricorn. Her songs seem to be very serous and dramatic. Her singing style, full of pathos and sadness, is very typical for Venus in Capricorn. Edith Piaf was wearing simple, modest black dresses which made her look more serious. Nevertheless, her modest style was very attractive and impressive. Edith Piaf became a legend and a great inspiration for next generations of artists. Her love life was complicated. She was searching for the perfect love, that’s why she was disappointed by men. Her second husband, Theo Sarapo was 21 years younger than her. Edith Piaf was raised in very poor conditions so she had to grow up very quickly. She had no time to enjoy her youth. Being in a relationship with younger man, she somehow could turn back time and experience youth in older age.
Steve Jobs also had Venus in Capricorn in his natal chart which opposites Jupiter an Uranus in Cancer. This aspects had a strong influence on his Venus and enabled him to earn a fortune on electronic devices. Jobs earned a lot of money thanks to excellent managing skills and hard work. The electronic devices produced by Apple became so popular because of their unique design which is very simple but very elegant at the same time. In this case, simplicity and minimalism of Venus in Capricorn was the key to success for Apple products. Steve Jobs was wearing jeans, black sweater and white sneakers which was an equivalent of a suit for him. He wasn’t interested in fashion at all and his clothing style was simple and modest. He had the opinion of a serious, cold and even arrogant person which is one of the faces of Venus in Capricorn. In this case it was intensified by the Moon and Mars in Aries. He met his wife, Laurene Powell, in 1989 when he was 34 years old and he married her two years later.
We find Venus in Capricorn also in the natal chart of Justin Timberlake. Although his musical style (pop, R&B, soul, funk) is entertaining, he puts a lot of work in performing and producing his songs. Justin started his musical careerer in a boy band called ‘N Sync which was a typically commercial project. The members of the band had to fit in the specific roles imposed by the record company. They weren’t able to develop their own artistic ideas nor were they responsible for the image of the band. They had to listen to music producers, stylists or choreographers and do what they were told. The whole ‘N Sync project was quite lame and trashy so it was difficult to imagine that a member of this band could ever become a successful and respected artist. It’s worth mentioning that Venus in the chart of Timberlake is squaring Pluto. This aspect can bring a trashy artistic expression which surprisingly is the key to success because people love it anyway. Justin Timberlake was able to break free from the lame boy band image and become a respected artist. When he started his solo career, he finally could make his own artistic projects come true. He also became a fashion icon. He wears very elegant suits which is unusual as for a pop star but Venus in Capricorn feels very comfortable and looks perfect in this kind of clothes. Nowadays, he is treated with respect and nobody laughs at his look or music any more. He was dating an actress Cameron Diaz who was 9 years older than him but they broke up. He married another actress Jessica Biel who is one year younger than him.
Joachim Loew, the coach of the German national football team, has got Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Mars. He is famous for his elegant look. He always wears elegant suites during the matches, although most of the coaches prefer to dress comfortable sports wear. Loew was even hired for a commercial of cosmetics. We might have thought that an individual with Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn would look terrible but this is not true. Joachim Loew became a fashion icon and his obsession with perfect image is legendary. Loew met his future wife when he was relatively young (he was 18 at that time) but he married her 8 years later. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn don’t start a serious relationship so quickly but when they decide to marry, they hope the marriage will be long-lasting.
Venus in Capricorn is neither in detriment nor in fall so actually her placement in Capricorn is not that bad. Nevertheless, the energies of Venus and Capricorn are not compatible. When a planet in a natal chart is placed in a sign which doesn’t resonate with its energy, it becomes even more active as if it was in the sign of its ruler-ship or exaltation. The owner of such natal chart feels that the matters represented by that particular planet are his/her weakness and that’s why he/she puts more effort to develop them.
The individuals with Venus in Capricorn in their natal charts treat love and relationships in a very serious, practical and cautious way. They are not interested in flirting, romance or short term relationship because they consider it a waste of time. They don’t like going out to clubs, discotheques nor romantic dates with candle light. In their opinion this is just stupid and not serious enough. They are looking for a serious and long lasting relationship which must be official, in other words, a marriage which would last for the rest of their lives. Capricorn is related to traditions and keeping social order.
People with Venus in Capricorn seem to be very serious, rigid and even arrogant as deep down their hearts they feel that they are better than others. Holding an image of cold and proud (unless they have the Sun, Moon or the ascendant in Libra, Cancer, Leo, Taurus or Sagittarius), makes difficult relating to other people and finding friends or potential partners, especially in the young age. They are not spontaneous nor funny so it is very difficult for them to have fun with other teenagers. They feel much better in the company of adult people who have a serious approach to life. When they are young, they feel lonely quite often as they can’t find a right, i.e. a serious partner. As they are very wise, they know it’s better be alone than in a bad company but if they find a right a partner, usually this is a person who is much older. The point is that the individuals with Venus in Capricorn mature very slowly so when they are young, they are not aware of their emotional needs yet. They need time to grow up, to realise what they expect from their partners and what is their role in the relationship. When they are about 30 years old, after their first Saturn return, they finally are grown up and they realise that they had chosen a wrong partner so they decide to break up. They don’t want to waste more time on living with someone who doesn’t suit their needs any more. On one hand they suffer that they have to break the social rules but on the other hand, they are searching for a perfect love. They are very practical so they prefer to end a bad relationship and look for a better partner who will make them happy. It’s a wise decision because they are finally mature so now, being 30 or even 40 years old, they know what they really need in love and partnership.
A person with Venus in Capricorn is often shy and self-controlled, so he/she has difficulties in expressing feelings. A woman with Venus in Capricorn won’t make the first step because she knows it wouldn’t be correct. She wants to act according to social rituals and normally a man makes the first step, not a woman. She will be waiting for ages and hoping that the man of her dreams will start a conversation with her. Acting like this, she misses a lot of good opportunities to start a relationship. If Venus in Capricorn is in a chart of a man, he will be terrified to make the first step because the fear of rejection will paralyse him. The woman he is in love with will be tired of endless waiting for any sign of interest from his part so she will find another man who will show her affection. As people with Venus in Capricorn are very proud and serious, they fear rejection very much. If someone would reject their feelings or laugh at them, they would feel very humiliated and wouldn’t be able to stand it. Their whole world would break down if the person they love would reject them because it would hurt their pride too much. That is the reason why they prefer to be alone, even if they are passionately in love with someone. When they are over 40 years old, suddenly they realise that they are not young any more and that they wasted their youth. Quite often they start relationships with younger partners because this is their way to prolong their own youth. When they are over 40, they are more spontaneous and they allow themselves to do crazy things which they didn’t want to or simply couldn’t do when there were 20. Fortunately, Venus in Capricorn conserves their beauty so even if they are 60 years old, they still look very attractive.
If it comes to financial matters, the individuals with Venus in Capricorn act in a strange way. On one hand the financial security is crucial for them but on the other hand they are not able to value their work properly so they agree to work for very law salaries. They think that the only way to become rich and to gain the financial stability is through hard work. They don’t believe in such things like luck in gambling or lotteries. In most cases they are very professional and they are excellent specialists in their environment but they don’t realise it. Sooner or later they will learn to demand more money for their work or services, especially when they realise that people who are less talented or even lazy earn more than them. Such situation will awaken their ambition and motivate them to change their approach towards money. Usually it happens after the first Saturn return, when they are around 30 years old. Building a financial stability before reaching that age may be difficult as they are losing money in strange circumstances. When they turn 30, they are much wiser and they know how to build their financial security. The most important thing that they have to learn is to value themselves and their work. People with Venus in Capricorn don’t like spending money as they prefer to save it. They must have some savings on their bank account, otherwise they feel very insecure. They know how to survive a financial crisis having little money and they are even proud of themselves cutting all unnecessary expenses. They don’t spend money on entertainment and they don’t buy anything without analysing if they really need that thing. They like investing money in different courses which broaden their professional skills. They believe that it will help them to develop their professional career, get a promotion and a better salary. This strategy works very well for them. They don’t throw out old or broken things because they think they may still use them or need them in the future. They fix broken things which other people don’t use any more, like old furniture pieces, electronic devices and give them a new life.
The individuals with Venus in Capricorn are not interested in fashion at the young age. They prefer to be admired for their wisdom, intelligence, honesty and seriousness and not for their looks. They even despise people who wear nice, expensive clothes and pay a lot of attention to their visual image. When they are young, they often wear old-fashioned clothes, e.g. of their grandparents because they like it much more than the modern style. Wearing old clothes make them look ridiculous. Other teenagers laugh at them and even treat them as losers. That’ s why they have difficulties in building friendships and they feel rejected by the society. Quite often their family members or friends give them their old clothes. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn are very happy about that as they don’t have to spend money on new clothes. If they have to buy clothes, they often go to a second- hand shop. When they turn 30, they realise that wearing nice clothes, going to the beautician and hairdresser is very important and that a good image doesn’t make them less intelligent. When they mature, they realise that the bad taste in fashion had a negative influence on their relationships with other people and even affected their love life. Wearing ugly clothes made them unattractive. When they are over 30 years old, they change their style and start to dress properly. They know what kind of clothes make them look attractive. They prefer dark colours, especially black. They dislike colourful patterns or big jewellery. Their style is modest, simple but very elegant and expensive at the same time. They feel comfortable in smart business suits. Quite often they have to wear uniforms at their work place as a lot of them work at different type of offices, banks or law companies. The fact that they have to wear suites at work is a true blessing for them as they don’t have to worry how to match different clothing pieces, colours or materials. When they are over 40 years old, they even become fashion gurus for others. Nobody laughs at their style any more as they look perfect on every occasion.
The artistic work of people with Venus in Capricorn is underestimated in the young age. For some reason those individuals can’t develop their own ideas. They have to obey their parents or teachers. Most of their artistic projects are criticized by their teachers and rejected by the society which is frustrating. Very often they work very hard on developing their talent from the early age because they are forced to do it by their demanding and ambitious parents. They posses very high technical skills but they are not able to express their artistic creativity as they are not spontaneous. After the first Saturn return they are mature and aware of their artistic talent and expression so they want to bring their own ideas to life and reject everything that is imposed by someone else. They finally want to use their great skills in order to express their artistic inspiration. When they are over 30 years old, they gain respect in their artistic environment and become an inspiration for the next generations of artists. Their success is long-lasting.

Joachim Loew, the coach of the German national football team, has got Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Mars. He is famous for his elegant look. He always wears elegant suites during the matches, although most of the coaches prefer to dress comfortable sports wear. Loew was even hired for a commercial of cosmetics. We might have thought that an individual with Venus in Capricorn conjunct Saturn would look terrible but this is not true. Joachim Loew became a fashion icon and his obsession with perfect image is legendary. Loew met his future wife when he was relatively young (he was 18 at that time) but he married her 8 years later. The individuals with Venus in Capricorn don’t start a serious relationship so quickly but when they decide to marry, they hope the marriage will be long-lasting.
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