Fixed signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They follow the cardinal signs, taking over their actions and developing their achievements. They also strengthen and continue what the cardinal signs have started.
The individuals with predominant fixed mode, who have the luminaries, personal planets or ascendant in the fixed signs work slowly but very effectively. They know how to properly balance their energy while working on a given project, so they don't burn out at the very beginning and don't give up when obstacles appear. They know that they must wait for the results of their work. These people are patient, persistent and even stubborn. They are the masters of waiting for the right moment, so they don't hurry because they instinctively feel that time is playing in their favour. The individuals with strong fixed mode in their natal charts don't like initiating any action because they prefer to take over something that has already been created by someone else. These people develop a given project perfectly, make it successful and keep its quality at the high level all the time. They don't introduce any corrections to their works because they consider them very good so they don't see the need to improve anything. They avoid changes, as they love stability. They associate change with loss, so they prefer to stick to what they have or what they've already achieved instead of moving on. They may work in the same profession for years (even if it doesn't bring profits), they stay with the same partner for their whole life (even if it is a difficult relationship) and they maintain their opinions (even if everyone laughs at them). These individuals hate moving home or relocating to new places, nor they like renovations at home. They always act very carefully and think a lot before making any step. Thanks to this strategy, they always achieve their goals, even if it takes a lot of time. The individuals with an excessive amount of fixed mode are very focused on their ideas, so they don't distract their attention on things that are not related to their goals. They don't want to lose energy, time nor resources for nonsense. These people never give up even if they have failed. They admit defeats with dignity and simply keep working on their projects as they believe that sooner or later they will get what they want. They don't realise that it would be better to give up and find a new goal instead of wasting time on something unreachable. As they are very stubborn, they would prefer to die instead of letting go and moving on with new ideas.
If the natal chart lacks the fixed mode, then its
owner is not consistent and doesn't keep his/her promises. You
cannot rely on such a person. The individuals with deficiency of
fixed mode constantly distract their attention to irrelevant matters,
instead of focusing on what is really important to them. They have
serious problems with defining their goal in life. They simply don't
know what they would like to achieve in the long run. They are
searching for the right path much longer than others. They would like
to do something specific, e.g. go to work, but they have no clue what
kind of job would suit them. This is why they fall into inertia
instead of acting. It is only when they realise what they would like
to do, when they finally are entering the right path. Unfortunately,
they deviate from it quite often, which significantly delays
achieving their goals. These individuals get bored quickly, so they
abandon freshly started tasks very often. They love frequent changes
and need new stimuli to act. These people start a lot of different
projects, but they don't finish them because sooner or later they
realise that this is not what they wanted to do.
How to calculate the
amount of each element in your natal chart?
The amount of modes and
elements is determined by the positions of the planets in the signs
of the Zodiac but some planets have more influence on the amount of
modes and elements than others. It's easy to count how much of each
mode or element we have in our chart. The most important components
of our chart which give the biggest amount of the certain element or
mode are the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant. You can give 5 points
for each of them. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are also
important, so you can give 3 points for each of that planet. Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto are less important, so you give only one point for
each of them. Then you count all the points for each mode and
element. If your score is from 0 to 5 points, that means that this
element or mode is missing in your chart. If your score is from 6 to
10 points then you have a good balance of that particular element or
mode. If your score is above 11, you have an excess of some element
or mode.