A horoscope is a chart of
the sky which shows the moment of our birth. It illustrates the
positions of the Sun, the Moon, planets and asteroids in the signs of
the Zodiac observed from our birth place at the moment we are born.
That's why if we want to obtain our personal horoscope (natal chart)
in the astrological software, we need to provide not only our birth
date but also the place and time of our birth. Two people who were
born on the same day and even at the same time but at different
places of the world, will have different horoscopes because they
will observe the sky from a different perspective.
Most people know which
sign of the Zodiac there were born under and they think that
horoscope describes only this sign. They read different descriptions
of their sign at newspapers, magazines, the Internet, etc. This is so
called Sun sign astrology because it is based on the
position of the Sun in our natal chart. The Sun is the most important
component of our horoscope, it describes our identity, ego,
character, charisma, aspirations, potential, professional vocation
and the way we present ourselves to the world. The interpretation of
our Sun sign is indeed very useful and gives us important information
about ourselves but sometimes we don't identify or even totally
disagree with the description. We can even announce that it is not
possible for all people who are born under the same sign of the
Zodiac to have the same character, professional vocation or the type
of behaviour so we assume that astrology is rubbish. If we really
want to know our horoscope, we should look deeper and analyse our
personal natal chart i.e. the chart of sky at the moment of our
birth. We obtain our natal chart by providing our data to the
astrological software. (You can also obtain your free natal chart at
www.astro.com). It is a diagram in the shape of a wheel with
different symbols marked on it. When we look at our birth chart, we
will realise that it contains a lot of components, like The Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the
angles, the houses, just to mention the most important ones. A lot of
people don't want to even look at their personal birth chart because
they think that analysing it is too complicated, so they give up. The
truth is that analysing your birth chart is not that difficult as it
seems but you have to learn the meaning of the astrological symbols.
When you achieve it, you gain a deep insight into your life, your
emotional needs, fears, partnership or professional vocation. You
will learn how to earn money and how to relate to other people. You
will understand yourself and your loved ones better.
If you want to analyse
your personal horoscope, first you have to learn the meaning of the
signs of the Zodiac, planets, houses and aspects between the planets.
Below you can see the
natal chart of Donald Trump with the description of all astrological
The meaning of the signs
of the Zodiac:
ARIES - brave, strong,
impatient, creative, pioneering, impulsive, selfish. A charismatic
TAURUS - calm, stable,
slow, sensual, lazy, stubborn. Interested in art, luxury, food,
GEMINI - talkative,
sociable, intellectual, multitasking. Loves to learn new things,
travel, gossip.
CANCER - sensitive, shy,
romantic, (over)protective, tenacious, conservative. Cares about
LEO - creative, proud,
playful, jovial, generous, selfish. A leader, interested in the art
and luxury.
VIRGO - modest,
hard-working, practical, critical, tidy, shy, skilled. Loves to
travel and analyse.
LIBRA - harmonious,
conciliatory, sociable, indecisive. Interested in partnership, art
and fashion.
SCORPIO - mysterious,
deep, insightful, suspicious, loyal, brave, jealous, emotional,
SAGITTARIUS - optimistic,
wise, generous, honest. Interested in travelling, religions,
CAPRICORN - responsible,
hard-working, disciplined, serious, conservative, stubborn, careful
AQUARIUS - independent,
eccentric, sociable, open-minded. Interested in philosophy,
PISCES - romantic,
imaginative, idealistic, sensitive, generous. Interested in
spirituality and art.
The meaning of the lights
(the Sun and the Moon) and planets:
THE SUN - identity, ego,
will, core of our existence, the way we are presenting ourselves to
the outside world
THE MOON - feelings, home,
emotional needs, the way we behave at home with our family and how we
MERCURY - communication,
education, language, travelling, trade, oral or written expression
VENUS - love,
relationships, beauty, art, artistic talents, pleasure, financial
MARS - courage, fight,
anger, conflict, ambition, drive, competition, the way we act
JUPITER - abundance,
expansion, wisdom, religion, beliefs, law, philosophy
SATURN - limitations,
authority, structure, duty, obstacles, patience, sadness, depression
URANUS - rebellion,
freedom, sudden, unexpected events, being original and strange
NEPTUNE - spirituality,
compassion, escapism, illusions, sacrifice, artistic inspiration,
PLUTO - transformation,
power, braking taboos, intensity, violence, destruction,
The meaning of the angles:
ASCENDANT - me, my body,
image, physical appearance, identity
IMUM COELI - home, family,
DESCENDANT - partnership,
agreements, relationship
MEDIUM COELI - career,
professional vocation, ambition
The meaning of houses:
I house - (starts with
ascendant) - our body, energy, drive, the way how we present
II house - money,
resources, possessions, nutrition
III house - communication,
trade, siblings, neighbours, short journeys, schools, bus or tram
IV house - (starts with
Imum Coeli) - family, ancestry, home, privacy, rest
V house - romance, sex,
children, artistic talents, creativity, fun, joy, gambling
VI house - work, health,
daily routine, service, discipline, doctors, nurses, hospitals, small
VII house - (starts with
descendant) - relationship, connections, husband/wife, enemy
VIII house - psychology,
death, shared resources, mysteries, inheritance, bank, insurance
IX house - long journeys,
travelling, law, beliefs, philosophy, higher education, university,
X house - (starts with
Medium Coeli) - career, public role, professional goals, ambition,
XI house - friendship,
community, philosophy, travelling to exotic places, Internet, hobbies
XII house - isolation,
spirituality, prison, hospital, hidden enemies, healing process, big
The meaning of aspects:
CONJUNTION (0 degrees) -
the planets are in same sign, close to each other (no further than 10
degrees). The planets influence one another in a harmonious way.
OPPOSITION (180 degrees) -
the planets are placed in the opposite signs in the chart, therefore
they are fighting against each other, which causes a lot of tension.
Repeating the same mistakes all over again and blaming other people
for it. Projection.
SQUARE (90 degrees) - the
planets are placed in the signs of the same mode but there is a huge
tension between them. Looking for the resolution of the problems,
creativity, psychological analysis.
TRINE (120 degrees) - the
planets are placed in the signs of the same element so they work in a
harmonious way. Good luck, support of other people, talents,
SEXTILE - (60 degrees) -
the planets are placed in compatible elements: earth - water, air -
fire so they work in a harmonious way. Talents and support of other
people which are underestimated and sometimes even wasted.
Another important factors
in the interpretation of our personal horoscope are the elements and
the modes. The are 4 elements: fire, earth, air, water and 3 modes:
cardinal, fixed, mutable.
Fire signs are Aries, Leo
and Sagittarius
Earth signs are Capricorn,
Taurus and Virgo
Air signs are Libra,
Aquarius and Gemini
Water signs are Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces
Cardinal signs are Aries,
Capricorn, Libra and Cancer
Fixed signs are Leo,
Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio
Mutable signs are
Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini and Pisces
FIRE - creative,
inspiring, brave, domineering. Likes to start new projects. Gives up
very quickly.
EARTH - stable, practical,
grounded, disciplined, well-organised, sensual, materialistic
AIR - sociable,
analytical, logical, intellectual, communicative, cold. Doesn't keep
WATER - emotional,
sensual, imaginative, sensitive, compassionate. Artistic talents.
CARDINAL - action,
starting new projects, creativity
FIXED - sustaining,
consequent. Determined to achieve their goals. Dislikes any changes.
MUTABLE - constant
changes, adaptability, learning new things, travelling, finishing old
The amount of modes and
elements is determined by the positions of the planets in the signs of
the Zodiac but some planets have more influence on the amount of
modes and elements than others. It's easy to count how much of each
mode or element we have in our chart. The most important components
of our chart which give the biggest amount of the certain element or
mode are the Sun, the Moon and the ascendant. You can give 5 points
for each of them. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are also
important, so you can give 3 points for each of that planet. Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto are less important, so you give only one point for
each of them.
Then you count all the
points for each mode and element. If your score is from 0 to 5
points, that means that this element or mode is missing in your
chart. For example if you have less air, your are not sociable and
you don't like talking to strangers. If you don't have enough
cardinal mode, you don't like starting new projects. Even if you have
a lot of good ideas, you don't have the courage or energy to start.
If your score is from 6 to 10 points then you have a good balance of
that particular element or mode. If your score is above 11, you have
an excess of some element or mode so e.g. if you have too much earth
in your natal chart, you are very concentrated on financial matters,
you don't like spending money and you don't like changes because you
think that you may lose your stability.
Let's analyse the chart of
Donald Trump.

He has the Sun in Gemini in the 10th house so he is
very talkative and multitasking. He runs different types of business
of divers branches like real estate, media and recently he has been
elected for the president of the United States. People who are born
under the sign of Gemini often have different jobs at the same time
because doing just one thing is too boring for them. They always have
a lot of new ideas and want to try new things. Donald Trump even
opened his own university where he was offering different courses of
business, management, etc. Education is one of the professional
vocations of Gemini. The Sun in the 10th house shows that Trump is a
leader. He is the president of The Trump Organization, the holding
company of his business. No wonder that wanted to become the
president of the United States as he is very ambitious. A person with
the Sun in the 10th house always wants to be a leader, a public
figure and most of all, to gain respect and recognition from others.
Such people often become famous for their work. The Sun conjunction
Uranus is the reason why Trump is so unconventional, unpredictable
and likes shocking the public opinion. He is not afraid of going
against the public opinion and he enjoys breaking social taboos. He
is very creative and original but his ideas seem to be weird to a lot
of people who don't treat Trump as a serious person. Jupiter trine
Sun is a very good aspect. Trump can get support from wealthy and
influential people who will help him to achieve his goals. Mars
sextile Sun gives him a lot of energy and courage. The Moon is
opposing Sun which means that Trump was born on full Moon. From the
beginning of his life he has got the attention of other people.
Probably his family supported him and gave him everything he had
asked for. On the other hand opposition is an aspect of ongoing
tension and problems caused by other people. The Moon in the chart of
a man represents his mother but also his wife. Trump divorced two
times and had to pay a lot of money to his ex-wives. One of them
(Ivana) wrote a book about their relationship which made Trump very
angry. He even brought a law suit against her for breach of privacy.
People who were born on full Moon often suffer from lack of privacy
because for some reason everybody is interested in their private

The ascendant in Trump's
chart is in Leo, that's why he is a charismatic showman and his image
is so theatrical. In addition, Trump is very proud and knows exactly
how to get the attention of other people. Even his hair is an
important part of his image and it's like a lion's mane.
The Moon in Sagittarius in
the 4th house shows that Trump is self-confident, jovial and
enthusiastic. Probably he is very generous to his family members and
his children. The Moon in the 4th house tells us that family is very
important for Donald Trump and that he can continue some family
traditions. When he was young he worked in the company of his father
and he developed the family business of real estate. The Moon in
Sagittarius and the descendant in Aquarius tell us that Trump likes
women who are original in some way or come from other cultural
background. His first wife, Ivana was a model who came from the Czech
Republic and his present wife, also a model, comes from Slovenia. The
Moon sextile Jupiter is another factor that tells us that Trump may
count on his family and gets an important support from his family
members. This aspect also shows that he is lucky when it comes to
real estate and likes to live in big houses. People who have the Moon
in Sagittarius also have an expensive taste in houses. They like to
live in luxury. Sometimes they collect art objects which they have
brought from their journeys to exotic countries or the ones related
to their religion. Mars trine the Moon gives Trump a lot of energy
and a good health condition.
Mercury in Cancer explains
why Trump's ideas are so conservative. He is not open to people who
come from other countries or cultures and he wants to protect the
domestic market by getting rid of immigrants. Cancer is
overprotective and doesn't like strangers so it makes no wonder that
Trump thinks that immigrants are a threat to American economy.
Mercury square Jupiter makes Donald Trump very talkative. He's a very
passionate speaker and he can convince a lot of people to his ideas.
Neptune square Mercury shows that sometimes Trump may manipulate
other people by using nice words. Mercury in the 11th house shows
that he probably likes travelling abroad and likes talking to
foreigners which may be quite strange, considering that Mercury is in
Cancer. Analysing a natal chart we often will discover such
Venus in Cancer is another
confirmation that family is very important to Donald Trump. He must
be very nice for the members of his family and probably cares a lot
about them. Venus in the natal chart shows how can we earn money.
Venus in Cancer tells us that Trump can earn on real estate or any
services dedicated to women, children or families. Venus conjunct
Saturn points out Trump's problems with relationships and financial
loss due to divorce. He should treat women with respect, otherwise he
will have serious problems. Such aspect sometimes indicates a late
marriage. Trump got married for the first time when he was over 30
years old. He married his present wife, Melania, when he was 58. This
aspect can also bring serious financial loses and Donald Trump went
bankrupt a few times. Fortunately Venus in his natal chart squares
Jupiter so he could recover his financial position again. This
aspect shows that he can earn money very easily but also that he is
overspending all the time. Venus in the 11th house again shows that
Trump is interested in women who come from abroad and that he likes
Mars on the ascendant on
side of the 12th house is telling us that Donald Trump may have some
secret enemies who will try to destroy him but he won't be able to
find out who are those people. Mars in Leo on the ascendant
intensifies the features of the sign of Leo in the chart of Trump.
Mars on the ascendant makes Trump a quarrelsome, impulsive, selfish,
rude but also a very brave, creative and self-confident man. A lot of
people find him aggressive and simply don't like him as the energy of
Mars and the sign of Leo is too strong in his chart.
Jupiter in Libra in the
second house helped him to become a rich man. Jupiter is a so-called
social planet because it moves slowly in the sky and it spends more
or less one year in each sign. People who were born between
25.08.1945 and 24.09.1946 have Jupiter in the same sign. Jupiter in
Libra brings luck in love, partnership, law suits, developing
artistic talents and enables to become successful thanks to support
of other people and good connections. Jupiter trine Uranus helps to
achieve success in any projects related to modern technologies.
Jupiter sextile Pluto gives Trump the ability to influence a lot of
people with his charisma and ideas. Jupiter square Saturn means that
he is interested in social matters and wants to influence the public
Saturn is another
so-called social planet which moves slowly. Saturn is transiting one
sign of the Zodiac for about 2,5 years so all the people who were
born between 20.06.1944 and 1.08.1946 have Saturn in Cancer, not only
Donald Trump. Cancer is the sign of Saturn's detriment so it can't
act according to its nature. People with Saturn in Cancer often
disagree with authorities, their parents or boss. They don't want to
start their own family because they fear that their partners or
children would limit their personal freedom. Most of them are not
interested in politics as they don't trust any politicians and often
disagree with them. This is very interesting that Donald Trump became
a politician and developed the business of his father. Analysing a
birth chart we will find contradictions like these pretty often. We
have to see all the details of the natal chart and check if there are
some other important factors which indicate that a person could be
interested in working with his/her family or being involved in
politics. In case of Donald Trump the Moon in the 4th house and Venus
in Cancer show that continuing family traditions and business is very
good for him. The Moon and Venus are personal planets (they move fast
in the sky) so their influence on someone's life is much stronger
than of social planets. Donald Trump has the Sun in the 10th house so
he wants be a leader. Mars in Leo on the ascendant shows his
narcissistic personality, that's why Trump thinks he is the right
person to become the president. Saturn in the 11th house shows that
Trump dislikes people who are different in some way. That explains
why he is against immigrants or LGBT people. He also has Venus in the
11th house so he married women who come from another country, despite
the fact that he dislikes strangers. This is another interesting
contradiction in Trump's chart.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
are so-called generational planets because they move very slowly and
spend a few years in each sign of the Zodiac, that's why the whole
generation has them in the same sign. This is the reason why we only
analyse their position in houses which is very individual for each
person as it depends on birth time. Donald Trump has Uranus in the
10th house which means he wants to be independent in his work. He
breaks all the rules and wants to establish his own order in his
professional life. He might not like the post of the president of the
USA as it requires a lot of discipline and submission to very strict
rules and diplomatic protocols. On the other hand he may have some
very original but controversial ideas. Some people will love him for
that and other will hate him. Bringing discord is the nature of
Uranus. Neptune in the second house enables Trump to earn money on
media business. It also shows that nobody will ever know how much is
his fortune really worth. Pluto in the 12th house means that Trump
may have some powerful secret enemies or at least he will think that
some people are a serious threat to him but he won't able to discover
who could they be.
Medium Coeli describes our
professional ambitions and the branches of economic activity that
will give us financial stability. In the horoscope of Donald Trump
Medium Coeli (the cusp of the 10th house) is the the sign of Taurus
so he can earn on business related to real estate (which he did),
luxury, jewellery, art, cosmetics, fashion, food or restaurants. His
work space should look very comfortable and most of all, expensive.
Let's count the modes and
the elements in Trump's chart.
planets / components in
cardinal signs: Venus (3 points), Mercury (3 points), Saturn (3
points), Jupiter (3 points), Neptune (1 point). Total score: 13
planets / components in
fixed signs: ascendant (5 points), Mars (3 points), Pluto (1 point).
Total score: 9 points.
planets / components in
mutable signs: Sun (5 points), Moon (5 points), Uranus (1 point).
Total score: 11 points.
planets / components in
fire signs: ascendant (5 points), Moon (5 points), Mars (3 points),
Pluto (1 point). Total score: 14 points.
planets / components in
earth signs: none. Total score: 0 points.
planets / components in
air signs: Sun (5 points), Jupiter (3 points), Neptune (1 point),
Uranus (1 point). Total score: 10 points.
planets / components in
water signs: Venus (3 points), Mercury (3 points), Saturn (3 points).
Total score: 9 points.
As we can see there is no
earth element in Trump's chart. Although he is able to earn a lot of
money, he is overspending all the time. Money just slip through his
fingers. It would also explain why he went bankrupt a few times but
he was able to earn a lot of money once again. Financial failures
don't seem to be a problem for him. Trump has a lot of fire element
and cardinal mode so he is a very creative person. He likes to start
new projects but as he is very impatient, he is not able to develop
them in a proper way. Being concentrated on just one thing is too
boring for him, that's why he starts new business in different
This is only a simple and
very basic example of an interpretation of a natal chart. There are
much more things to analyse like planetary figures, Lunar Nodes,
asteroids or fixed stars. You can also add more aspects to your chart
analysis like semi-sextile, quincunx, etc.